Friday, February 15, 2013

The Mission

Author's Note: This is a short story for the creative writing assignment. When reading this piece you should look for symbolism.

June 13th, 3843
Dear Diary,

Today is the day I leave this world forever. I can’t turn back, but I will miss my past. Since this is my first entry, I will fill you in, but first I will introduce myself. My name is Katrina Devereaux: I have brown hair, I am extremely intelligent, I love sports, and I have been alive for over 3756 years; My eyes are my story.

I am the only one left with blue eyes. The guards checked every planet, every moon, and every star cold enough for life, and there is no one but me. Every other living thing has dark brown eyes. So, you could say I stick out a bit. They also don’t know that I am the only person to live past the toxic chemical flood on May 22nd, 2821.

 I haven’t told anyone about my plan on leaving, because I know that if the guards find out, they will deny access to the port and I don’t have enough time for that. Two days: I have two days before the three men come to find me.  You are probably getting kind of confused now, because you don’t know who the three men are. They are three men from a group that was developed in 2814. This group was sent to test every kid on every continent, and take a blood sample. Six years after the testing, they did the round again. You can probably guess how confused they were when they got down to the lab and found that they now had two of one sample.

So they made a machine, and this machine was inserted into their coffin when they died. If their tests were right, and the machine works as it should, then those three men are supposed to be coming back on June 15th, 3843. It is their plan to see if I am still alive, and looking like a 14 year old. Fortunately for them, I am. My plan is to leave my planet, and reset time. I am writing this because I am hoping that I will be able to reset the clock and make time start over. If I do hopefully someone will find this and tell my story. 

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