Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Author's Note: This is a creative piece about season's. When you read this piece, look for imagery and similes.

Summer is an amazing time of year. I know there are the bad sides like sunburn, bugs, and sometimes unbearable heat. But then you have the good days. Those are the days we want to remember and look forward to the next year. For all of those winter fans out there you might need some more convincing.

Let’s start off with winter. In winter there are some good sides, for example: the snow that clumps together and falls to the ground like cotton, or the many cups of hot chocolate, and of course who could forget the snowmen and angels that decorate the yards. Although there is the bad side to winter too. After the snow melts you have the gray and brown slush. Now your white wonderland is ruined. Then You have the below zero temperatures and wind that hits you like a brick wall, a very cold brick wall. When you finally get used to all of that, the flu and colds come and you’re miserable and sick. If you are anything like me, then a couple months into winter you get tired of it and all you can wish for is summer and warmth.

I know I prefer summer to winter, but there still are some cons to this wonderful season too. One thing that drives me crazy are the bugs. I don’t care what the bug repellent says, I swear it does absolutely nothing! Those little killers are everywhere! Something else you see a lot of in summer is sunburn. It really hurts so just use sun screen people! On good days though, you can go swimming, or camping, or even just relaxing. That is one of my favorite things about summer, nothing is due, there isn’t a schedule, you aren’t rushing to get that essay in by Thursday. Personally, I also enjoy the ice cream, you can have it pretty much anytime you want and it always tastes good.

Really there are good and bad things about every season, so I understand why some people don’t like summer. If I had to choose I would rather live in a place that was warm and sunny all year. Though I can understand why people like winter, there are a lot of things to do in the snow too. Overall there are people that will like one more than the other, but there are also people that like them equally. Both seasons have their ups and downs, but everyone has their favorite for one reason or another.

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